Friday, May 6, 2011

My Best Coupon Deals of the Week

Hey all, here is a round up of the best coupon deals that I actually used this week.  I know there might be better deals out there but I want to show you what I actually did.

Target deals

Deal 1:  I bought two sets of Old Spice body wash, they come with one full size and one half size and can be found on an endcap at Target.  The price is 4.00 for each set, which is already a good deal since one bottle is normally 4.00. I used a BOGO coupon found in the 5/1 newspaper and a 1.00 off coupon found in the Target coupons that were in the 5/1 newspaper.

2 sets- 8.00
-4.00 (BOGO)
-1.00 (Target Coupon)
= 3.00 for two sets of body wash

Deal 2:  I bought two boxes of John Frieda Foam Hair Dye.  I used two 5.00 off coupons found in the 5/1 newspaper plus two 5.00 off Target coupons found on their website.

2 boxes John Freida Hair Dye- 23.98
- (2) 5.00 (5/1 paper)
- (2) 5.00 (Target online)
= 3.98 for two boxes of hair dye
* bonus, they give you a 5.00 giftcard when you buy two boxes so you actually end up making a dollar off this deal.

Deal 3: I bought ten Weight Watchers Smartones frozen meals on sale for 1.89.  I used a 3.00 off 10 coupon found on the Weight Watchers site.

10 Smartones- 19.80
-3.00 (ww printable)
=16.80 for 10
*bonus, you get a 5.00 giftcard when you buy 10 so they actually end up costing you 1.18 per meal.

JCPenny Deal

If you got a 10.00 off of 10.00 coupon in the mail you only have a few more days to use it.  They have lots of jewelry on sale for 50% off this week so I bought a cute charm bracelet and pair of Liz Claiborne Earrings.

Charm Bracelet 18.00 - 50% off = 9.00
Earrings 10.00- 50% off = 5.00

Total before tax=14.00
-10.00 coupon

So those are my favorite deals of the week, I hope you are getting some good deals with your coupons!

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